The Red Clay Ramblers & The Coastal Cohorts / Dec 9-11, Cat’s Cradle

Carrboro, NC — The Tony Award-winning Red Clay Ramblers and the celebrated Coastal Cohorts of King Mackerel musical renown take the Cat’s Cradle Back Room stage together for three nights celebrating musicians’ theatre, Weds, Thurs, Fri, December 9th-11th, 2015, at 7:30 p.m. each evening.
The year 2015 marks several musicians’ theatre anniversaries:  the 40th since the Ramblers joined a troupe including co-authors Jim Wann and Bland Simpson in a triumphant NYC run of Diamond Studs; the 30th since the Ramblers scored and performed in Sam Shepard’s New York hit A Lie of the Mind, while Cohorts Don Dixon, Wann & Simpson premiered King Mackerel here in NC; the 20th since the Ramblers ran their award-winning clown-mime hit Fool Moon the second time On Broadway, and since the Cohorts also put King Mackerel onto the New York boards.  And so on . . .
The Ramblers-Cohorts band will also celebrate their latest collaborative project, Jim Wann’s newest album, Blue Heaven, which all hands joined in recording at Chapel Hill’s Rubber Room earlier this year.
Personnel for the Cat’s Cradle evenings are:  Clay Buckner (fiddle); Don Dixon (bass); Chris Frank (guitar, tuba); Jack Herrick (bass, trumpet); Rob Ladd (drums); Bland Simpson (piano); and Jim Wann (guitar).
Please see also: